Published on October 25, 2008

Du dam dam dam de du dam dam

Hey, this post is vintage content. It dates back more than 15 years ago: it may contain outdated and inaccurate information.

Some cues any singer-songwriter could take from Leonard Cohen before going on stage:

  • stay on stage for a long, long time: there is no good reason not to, since you can do it when you are 74 and you, almost certainly, are younger;
  • even if you are inside De André and Conte and I don't know who else and your songs have been sung and re-sung, it is important that you are distinguished by simplicity;
  • You are professional. Little does it matter that what you are doing is related to the field of entertainment, of leisure;
  • speak up. Try it even when it is the audience itself that interrupts you with continuous applause and shouting. Speak up, that the audience already knows your songs and wants something more;
  • occasionally kneel on stage while you sing: after all, some of YOUR songs are prayers;
  • every now and then, you come out of the stage singing like a happy child. Then, however, you come back and sing again;
  • present, thank and bow several times before the musicians who are with you on stage and are so talented that they are frightening;
  • carry a hat with you on stage so that you can take it off every time you bow before the endless applause.

Is that enough? No?

You too could try, masterfully blending wisdom and irony, to unravel the great mystery of life mid-concert. Or you could come back and come back and come back again.

That's how you do it

And then, but this is more difficult, you could leave us all with the feeling that the next time You appear at a reasonable distance, we will be there again to listen. And even if the distance wasn't quite reasonable, we could still be there.


No news tonight

October 16, 2008


Already a film

November 7, 2008

I am Silvano Stralla. I am a developer, I like taking photos and riding bikes.
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