Published on October 12, 2007

Irretrievably clockwise

Hey, this post is vintage content. It dates back more than 16 years ago: it may contain outdated and inaccurate information.

Lurkers delurk yourselves, because I want to make a map of how you see the ballerina twirling you who, from time to time, every day, every minute - exaggerated -, silently pass by here.

Should you be interested to know, my right brain leaves no chance for the left. It dominates unconditionally.

[Via Phonkmeister]


The depressed zone

October 4, 2007


The nun mie

May 29, 2008

I am Silvano Stralla. I am a developer, I like taking photos and riding bikes.
If you want, you can write to me at silvano.stralla at
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